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Brand Monitoring Solutions

The technique of tracking various channels to find out where your brand is discussed is known as brand monitoring. Knowing where and how your brand is being discussed can help you better understand how consumers feel about it and enable you to get insightful customer feedback. Additionally, you may keep an eye out for future problems, respond to inquiries or complaints before they spiral out of hand, and safeguard the reputation of your company.


Our unified social media management platform enables your team to extract real business value, strengthen your market position and drive revenue—quickly.


i6 builds and maintains strong network partnerships and integrations to help you unify your customer touch points and keep pace with changes in the social landscape.


Process of i6:

  • ListenListen, track, and receive alerts in real-time.
  • Discover Discover the content, influencers, and trends driving Conversations.
  • Analyse Analyse data in real-time using advanced text analytics.
  • Benchmark Compare your brand with industry peers.
  • Measure Measure the performance of your brand and campaigns & compare with industry peers.
  • Report Save time using pre-defined and customizable reports, dashboards, and newsletters.
  • Activate Integrate and activate insights throughout the enterprise.