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i6 - MSS Partners to Anchor and Drop Service your InfoSec Needs

i6 Strategy 

In i6 Security Solutions, we follow the steps below to provide a successful digital security.
  • We will ensure to Secure your Cyber Eco System
  • Provide guidance to achieve cyber assurance framework
  • Help you to strengthen your IT Environment Security Policies
  • Bring the Cyber Security Best Practices across the branches and departments
  • Monitor the Cyber attacks and bring the adversaries impact
  • Provide proactive support to achieve your business objectives & goals

i6 Client Strategy 

  • In-depth analysis of the client’s organization
  • Identify the present security posture followed
  • Evaluate security controls deployed
  • Provide clear view of Security risks and Strategies
  • Suggest the required Information Security Projects
  • Drive the projects with effective resources and in a timely fashion
  • Road map for the future

i6 Core Services 

One of our most important cyber security services is DDS. Through DDS, we carry out incident management activities, offer vulnerability analyses, and implement technological services, tools, and information for risk management. By prioritising security incidents, mapping threats, and providing your team with guided actions and cleanup procedures, we quickly identify and reduce the impact of threats.


  • i6 has highly skilled and certified professionals to perform 24×7 SOC monitoring.
  • i6 team members are aware of all new tools through which they provide highly secured environment.
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i6 hunters uses special methods to perform threat hunting such as hypothesis driven investigation, investigation based on known IOC or IOA, and advanced analytics and machine learning investigations and evade the threat surface from the organization.


  • Our i6 threat hunters are capable to perform Reverse Engineering which is the core capability in hunting.
  • We can understand what malware does and how it works to develop a hunt for the TTPs and uses.
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Benefits of VAPT:

  • VAPT aids in the identification of vulnerabilities and dangers in your web/mobile apps and networking architecture
  • Validates the efficacy of existing security protections
  • Determines the level of danger to internal systems and private information
  • Protects the integrity of assets in case of existing malicious code hidden in any of them
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Uniqueness of i6:

  • Tailored Solutions
  • Strategic Collaboration
  • Cutting-Edge Technology
  • Scalability and Flexibility
  • Focus on Talent Development
  • Data Security and Compliance
  • Proactive Problem-Solving
  • Transparent Communication
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Benefits of a Red Team in an Organization:

  • Determine the attack risks and vulnerabilities of important corporate information assets and technological systems.
  • Real-world attackers’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are successfully mimicked in a risk-managed and controlled environment.
  • Examine your company’s capacity to recognise, respond to, and avoid complex targeted attacks.
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Benefits of a Blue Team in an Organization:

  • Blue team is responsible for maintaining healthy internal network of an organization against multiple risks and provide effective recommendations to improve the cyber security system
  • It helps to improvise the Applications, IT Systems, Servers and networking environment within the CIA Triad and protects your organization through efficient security policies and procedures streamlined
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Benefits of a Tabletop Exercise:

  • Increase awareness and understanding of threats
  • Assess your overall preparation for an incident
  • Identify technological, planning, and procedural flaws in your IR strategy
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities during an incident
  • Validation of the IR Plan and Training
  • Examine the current resources’ capabilities
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i6 SIEM Capabilities 


Process We follow 



Use the suitable Application / Software to detect any cyber security incidents within the organization. Utilize the appropriate applications or software that helps you find any occurrence of cyber security incidents.



The first step is to identify the exact part of the organization that needs protection, by assessing the whole organization. The organization’s structure will be assessed to identify the specific department that needs to be protected.



Develop approaches and utilize them to contain the impacts of the detected cyber security incident. Develop techniques to contain the impacts of the detected cyber security incidents.



Once the flawed part is identified, safety measures will be implemented to avoid more damage. Start implementing the safety measures in the respective product / service that needs protection.



Perform the necessary processes to recover from the damages caused by the cyber security incident. Plan and implement the processes to recover from the damages caused by those cyber security incidents.

Know Our Strengths 

Tuned Technological Exposure  

Tuned Technological Exposure

Global Experience  

Global Experience

Process aligned Futuristic Approach  

Process aligned Futuristic Approach


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