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Security Assessments

The purpose of security control evaluation is to verify whether the controls are being deployed efficiently, to cross-reference the operational intention, and to examine the desired outcome of the security needs. Security assessments are performed to identify critical vulnerabilities in your cyber security protections, ensure the safety of your sensitive data, meet compliance requirements and be audit ready, identify budget and training needs, develop contingency plans, and update and strengthen cyber security policies and procedures. Our i6, Security Assessment services provide best-in-class models that meet any organization’s needs in a single step.


Uniqueness of i6:

  • We give a comprehensive view of possible threats to an organization’s application
  • Our i6 team members safeguard the integrity of assets in the event that dangerous code is buried in any of them
  • Effective ROI for clients and a variety of project models are accessible, as well as POC Success Factors and Go Live

Benefits to be part with us:

  • We reduce the vulnerability of your application to significant threat actors
  • Our i6 MSSP solution guards against data leaks that might harm your organisation
  • Instill trust in the customer and keep them on a long-term basis because they believe in our services
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Core Services 

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing describes a broad range of security assessments...

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IOT Device Testing

i6 ensure flawless performance and functionality of your IoT systems....

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